Beginning in 2017, we have held gatherings roughly three times per quarter to share works-in-progress by faculty and graduate students in the humanities, social sciences, arts, architecture, and education. Presenters have included:

Kelsey Juliana & Tia Hatton, “Juliana v. United States”
December 7, 2020

Dan Shtob (Environmental Studies and Sociology PhD candidate) and Jordon Besek (Asst. Prof. of Sociology, University of Buffalo), “How Legal Processes (Re)structure Environments”
May 31, 2019
Laura Pulido (Prof. of Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies, and Geography) “Spectacular Racism and Environmental Deregulation in the Trump Era”
April 29, 2019
Jennifer O’Neal (Historian and Archivist, UO Libraries), “Decolonizing Protocols for Oral History”
May 25, 2018
Cass Moseley and research team (Planning, Public Policy, and Management), “Engaging in Large Scale Interdisciplinary Research: Experiences of Qualitative Social Scientists and Their Collaborators”
February 23, 2018
David Vázquez (English), “Speculative Hope: Countering Dystopian Environmental Futures in Alex Rivera’s Sleep Dealer and Alejandro Morales’s The Rag Doll Plagues”
February 9, 2018
Gordon Sayre (English), “Alexandrian Library of Life: A Flawed Metaphor for Biodiversity”
January 26, 2018
Kate Huber (English), “Oceans and Society: My Sea Education Association Experience”
October 27, 2017
Allison Ford (Sociology), “When the Shit Hits the Fan, We’ll Know How to Can: Self-Sufficiency Movements as Environmental Practice (an exploration)”
May 26, 2017
April Anson (English), “Survivance Ecology: Unsettling the Apocalyptic Crisis in Climate Fiction”
May 12, 2017
Brook Muller (Architecture) “Al Khalifa Heritage and Environment Park in Cairo.”
April 21, 2017
Shane Hall (English), “Imagining Environmental Futures: Speculative Practice in Environmental Humanities Education”
March 24, 2017
Carla Bengston (Art), “Falling Out, Spilling Over”
February 24, 2017
Steven Beda (History), “’Never Give A Inch:’ Popular Culture and The Northwest Woods Wars, 1960-2000”
February 10, 2017