Center for Culture, History, and Environment
University of Idaho Confluences Lab
The Confluence Lab incubates and implements creative interdisciplinary research projects that bring together scholars in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, and community members, to engage environmental issues in the state of Idaho. Our primary goal is to facilitate idea exchange, and our central premise is that the tools of the humanities—especially those related to storytelling, representation, emotions and communication—can help develop holistic approaches to these issues from the ground up. Our projects investigate conceptual and communication barriers that underlie debates about controversial issues especially relevant to rural communities, such as public land use, natural resource management, wildfires, drought, energy infrastructure and the causes and effects of climate change.
Environmental Humanities at Colby
The Environmental Humanities Initiative is a framework of interdisciplinary courses, faculty seminars, lecture series, visiting fellow programs, and Summer Institutes that enable sustained scholarship in the environmental humanities at Colby.
The initiative enhances opportunities for faculty collaboration across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences through summer institutes and faculty seminars on important environmental themes, generating new scholarship to be disseminated throughout the environmental humanities community worldwide. It supports faculty in their development of project-based, laboratory-style and interdisciplinary courses on historical, cultural and ethical questions about the environment, and in their use of tools of the digital humanities to analyze, interpret and convey scientific and cultural knowledge about environmental issues. It brings leading artists, writers and thinkers to the Colby campus, and enables new partnerships with scholars, artists and practitioners from outside the campus community.
Oregon Humanities Center
Oregon Folklife Network
Oregon Folklife Network documents, supports, and celebrates Oregon’s diverse cultural traditions and tradition-bearers.
OFN conducts folklife fieldwork and works with communities, organizations, and Tribes to increase public awareness about Oregon’s living cultural heritage.
The Oregon Folklife Network serves as a hub for statewide folklife activities in partnership with the Oregon Arts Commission, Oregon Cultural Trust, Oregon Historical Society, Oregon State Library, and Oregon Heritage Commission, along with community partners including Tribes, community-based cultural organizations, museums, regional cultural alliances, local arts agencies, K-12 schools, universities and colleges, and public libraries.
Our Children's Trust
Our Children’s Trust is “the world’s only non-profit public interest law firm dedicated exclusively to securing the legal rights of youth to a healthy atmosphere and safe climate, based on the best available science.”