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Events / Imagining Futures lecture: “Facing Climate Change with Facts, Feelings, and Action”

Imagining Futures lecture: “Facing Climate Change with Facts, Feelings, and Action”

January 12, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


Kimberly Nicholas is a sustainability scientist at Lund University. She is the author of Under the Sky We Make: How to be Human in a Warming World, and the monthly climate newsletter We Can Fix It. Born and raised on her family’s vineyard in Sonoma, California, Nicholas studied the effect of climate change on the California wine industry for her PhD in Environment and Resources at Stanford University. In her research, she studies the connections between people, land, and climate. Her goal is to understand how to steward ecosystems to support a good life for everyone alive today and leave a thriving planet for future generations.

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