An invitation from CEF Postdoctoral Fellow, Karin Bolender, and the Rural Alchemy Workshop (R.A.W.):
It’s pulping time!
Come join the R.A.W. in Philomath for PULPING RODEO MYSTERY. . .
On Sunday, October 30, the Rural Alchemy Workshop (R.A.W.) will host a public pulping workshop at the Philomath Frolic & Rodeo Grounds in Philomath, Oregon. “Pulping” is an evolving process that experiments with some locally-sourced materials and methods—alongside some wilder propositions—for making newfangled, off-the-grid stories with untold others in collaboration with places we inhabit together.
As the home of the annual, award-winning Philomath Frolic & Rodeo, these Grounds offer a deep and richly cultured space in which to encounter both the historic visible structures and the more hidden flows of time, weather, and peripheral lives that animate this central place within a rural Oregon timber town.
The workshop will take place at the Philomath Frolic & Rodeo Grounds from 1 – 3 p.m. Please come dressed and shod for cool, wet weather and possible mud.
This event is sponsored by the University of Oregon’s Center for Environmental Futures and the Pacific Northwest Just Futures Institute through a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
All are welcome. Pre-registration through Eventbrite is appreciated (but no one will be turned away):
For more info please contact