illioo Native Theatre and
students from UO’s Native American & Indigenous Studies Academic Residential Community present…..
Poetry in the Park
in honor of
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Womxns Day
In the tradition of the REDress Project started in 2010 by Jamie Black, Anishinaabe, and to honor women in our own region, illioo Native Theatre, together with Native American & Indigenous Studies Academic Residential Community of UO, will share a series of poems by indigenous poets. Prayer and song will begin and close the event. The readings will be accompanied by the hanging of red garments in the trees.
May 4 at 5pm
DIRECTIONS: Meet at Willamalane Park/Heron Playground parking area at the corner of Aspen and D Street in Springfield. (see our Facebook page for map.)
LIMITED PARKING! (you can park on D street as well at the playground); LIMITED FACILITIES!
ACCESSIBILITY/ CLOTHING – wheelchair accessible; wear walking shoes, and bring a jacket & water!
We will begin around 5pm from the meadow adjacent to the Heron Playground Parking Area, where we will begin with prayer, song, and land acknowledgment. Then we walk a short way, stopping at specific locations for the readings. After a prayer, the garments are lowered during an honoring song. Discussion with the community and Elders will follow.
For more information contact: Marta Lu Clifford,, or Theresa May
Co-sponsored by illioo Native Theatre, UO’a Native American & Indigenous Studies Academic Residential Community, Willamalane Park and Recreation; Very Little Theatre/Minority Voices Theatre; UO Native Studies Program; the Center for the Study of Women in Society; Many Nations Longhouse; UO Theatre Arts. Artwork: Jolene Bettles used with thanks & permission.