Next Friday, join Assistant Professor Julius McGee in the Department of Sociology as he presents: Racial Justice as Climate Justice: Racial Capitalism and the Fossil Economy. The event is part of the ENVS Seminar Series and will be held on February 18th, from 10-11:30 a.m. at the Mills International Center.

Professor McGee received his Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Oregon in 2016 and has been teaching at the university since last year after teaching the previous four at PSU. His research and teaching address questions at the intersection of structural inequality, development processes, and environmental change. My work engages scholarship in the fields of environmental sociology, environmental justice, climate justice, critical theories of race, energy transitions and technological displacement, and socio-ecological systems.
This presentation was published by the Hampton Institute, a proletarian think tank founded in 2013. Check it out here and mark the event on your calendar!
#racialjusticeisclimatejustice #racialcapitalism #seminarseries #envs #hamptonthink #ej #environmentaljustice