On Monday, January 24, 2022 12:00 p.m., join Common Reading and author Robin Wall Kimmerer as she gives a virtual talk on the 2021/22 AY selection, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants.
RSVP to the in-person event, which will be a livestream of the talk in the EMU ballroom: https://ticket.uoregon.edu/uo/rwk-live. Open to UO affiliated students, staff, and faculty and to Native and/or Indigenous members of the public.
RSVP to livestream the event from a different location: https://ticket.uoregon.edu/uo/rwk-stream. Open to anyone. Registration ends Friday, January 21st at 5pm.
Drawing on her life as an Indigenous scientist, a mother, and a woman, Kimmerer shows how other living beings offer us gifts and lessons, even if we’ve forgotten how to hear their voices. In a rich braid of reflections that range from the creation of Turtle Island to the forces that threaten its flourishing today, she circles toward a central argument: that the awakening of a wider ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgment and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world.
Also, be sure to check out the Museum of Natural and Cultural History on campus for their new exhibit, “Storytelling & Science”. As the featured contemporary artist for the 2022 Oregon—Where Past is Present exhibit, Kimmerer’s book, artwork, and teachings are on public display.